Papers in 2006

Russo, F. and Comi, A. (2006). Demand models for city logistics: a state of the art and a proposed integrated system. In Recent advances in city logistics – Proceedings of 4th International Conference on City Logistics, R. G. Thompson and E. Taniguchi (eds.), DOI: 10.1016/b978-008044799-5/50092-9, Elsevier Ltd., United Kingdom. <see>

Russo, F. and Comi A. (2006). The freight trip chain at urban level: a model system to simulate family and retailer choices. Paper presented at Economic Impacts of Changing Accessibility Conference, H. Gunn (ed.), Elsevier Ltd, United Kingdom.

Nuzzolo, A., Crisalli, U. and Comi, A. (2006). A modelling system for urban goods movements. In Proceedings of 11th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies – Sustainable transportation,S. C. Wong, Timothy D. Hau, James Jixian Wang, K. W. Chau and H. W. Ho (eds.), Hong Kong, China.

Nuzzolo, A., Crisalli, U., Comi, A. and Sciangula, F. (2006). Logistica e territorio: metodi e strumenti per la progettazione delle reti di trasporto merci. In Impresa, mercato, lealtà territoriale – Atti della XXVII Conferenza Italiana di Scienze Regionali, Pisa, Italy.

Nuzzolo, A. and Comi, A. (2006). Schedule-based path choice models for freight transport by road. Internal report, Transportation Laboratory, Dept. Civil Engineering, “Tor Vergata” University of Rome, Italy.